INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY:Oil is a major source of energy in Nigeri... Continue reading
INTRODUCTION1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Manufacturing sector plays a catalytic role ... Continue reading
ABSTRACTIn recent decades, the main and potential contribution of agriculture to economic growth has been a subject of... Continue reading
INTRODUCTION1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYThe practice of banking and financing in Nigeria is culturally rooted a... Continue reading
ABSTRACTGenerally, both fiscal and monetary policies seek at achieving relative macroeconomic stability. Based on coun... Continue reading
ABSTRACT With the discovery of crude oil and natural gas ONG in the Niger Delta in 1956, it was expected that it wil... Continue reading
ABSTRACTThis research study concerns itself basically with the investigation with microfinance bank institution to capi... Continue reading
ABSTRACTThe essence of this work has been to determine the effect of nonoil export on economic growth in Nigeria, dur... Continue reading
1.0 INTRODUCTION1.01 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYOver the years, Nigeria economy has witnessed a lot of dynamic changes... Continue reading
ABSTRACTInadequate support in terms of credit facilities from government and financial institution has been identified ... Continue reading